Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blaine Returns

Yesterday I was walking into the bathroom, wearing socks, and as I put my foot on the tile, I thought I'd stepped on something. I lifted it and Blaine shot out from under my foot and glared at me reproachfully from the corner of the bathroom.

Luckily I hadn't stepped on him hard enough to do any damage, or so it seems. But he seemed pretty pissed, and I don't really blame him. Most people don't step on their roomates. However, this time he seemed content to hang out where he was for a few minutes, so I grabbed my camera and took a little video of him.

So that's my roomate, clearly pictured for the very first time! Here's a few stills of him:

I've put papers by all the exits from under my bed (my bed is weird, it's too complicated to explain right now) so that I can hear him run out from under there. I'm trying to minimize the risk of me standing on the poor guy. Meanwhile, his current whereabouts are unknown, but he certainly isn't in the bathroom anymore- I did a clean sweep before I showered this morning. And let me tell you this: If there's a Psycho-style incident where he shows up while I'm in the shower, he's going to be out on his tail before you can say "evicted".

1 comment:


    If I didn't know you hate them, I'd suggest letting some crickets loose in the apartment. I wonder what he *has* been eating?
