Friday, October 1, 2010

The LORD PEACOCK saga (which is a very short saga)

On August 30th I posted this on my old El-Jay:

Also, I just found a word file saved under the name "comic book names", and when I opened it all it said was "LORD PEACOCK" in all caps.
And thus was a legend born.
Within a few days I had amassed five comments (a record for me) from people proclaiming their love, devotion, surprise, and excitement about this LORD PEACOCK character. So, a few days later, I posted this:

Because I'm silly and overcaffienated and have poor priorities, I decided to postpone my art homework that's due tomorrow at 8 am and instead stay up til 1.30 in the morning making this:

I am pleased as punch that you guys are as excited about this dude as I am, because I am pretty damn excited about him. But why is he wrongly colored, why is his coloration nothing like a regular peacock? (you may ask)

He is not a normal peacock. He is LORD PEACOCK and he is GLORIOUS. 

He is a bird of exquisitely refined tastes, his pipe is a bubble pipe and he has a monocle. I was wrestling with giving him an old-timey moustache but I think that would be too much for our delicate brains.
LORD PEACOCK is still stealing hearts around the globe, and he is my mascot currently, and probably the mascot of this blog. And actually, probably the mascot of everything.

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