Saturday, October 30, 2010

Buh-bye, Blaine

Yesterday I had to evict my roomate.
Blaine has been camped out in my bathroom since the last update, just chilling, and when I took a shower yesterday morning I spent the entire time staring at him, hoping against hope that he wouldn't run into the tub and drown at my very feet.
The final straw was that he ran under my feet again as I was getting out of the shower, and I decided that for his own safety, he had to go.

So here he is in this jar, glaring at me. Like I said in the video, he was easy to catch- I sort of poked him into the glass with the cardboard package of the cd I got when I got wireless internet, and then took him outside and dumped him on the pavement by the front of our duplex.

Naturally I miss him now. He was a very good roomate, pretty chill and all, despite his shenanigans. And of course on the first night after his eviction, I find THE BIGGEST CRICKET ALIVE hanging out on one of the very pieces of paper I laid down to keep track of Blaine. I squashed it while screaming curse words at it (I've had a rough day, it was very therapeutic) which I should have also videotaped.

Obviously this is a sign that I've made the wrong choice, but Blaine is long gone by now, so I'll have to hope for another lizard roomate soon.

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