Sunday, October 24, 2010

Quote of the week (of the year?)

I am using pseudonyms to protect the innocent, and because the lady in question is a working woman and all.

So I'm at Lana and Ethan's house (see what I did there, guys?) with some people, drinking margaritas and playing Apples To Apples. Lana, who teaches high school, is talking about a female student who is probably in love with her- like, seriously. This student (who we'll call Girl X) hugs her from behind unexpectedly, looks through her stuff because she "wants to know her", and is generally hot for teacher. Girl X also apparently was one of the only people in Lana's class wearing purple on Spirit Day.
A few seconds later, after Ethan and I marvel at how Lana's more drunk than us (which never happens), he starts talking about this program he's helping the university with, called Student Portal. Lana, from the other end of the table, sings out, "I'll show you my student portal!"

In light of the previous conversation, this may qualify for quote of the year.

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